How do I place my order?
To place your order, follow these steps :
1. Browse through our wide catalog of products Select your favourite, choose the required quantity and click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button (you can add multiple products on your cart).
2. ‘In Shopping cart’, you can either choose to continue shopping or proceed to checkout.
3. To shop with us, you can either log into your account or simply continue as a guest user.
4. Once the cart is all set, proceed to checkout, submit your shipping address, select the desired payment process and confirm your order.


Can you explain how do I receive my order delivery ?
We will ship your product on your mentioned shipping address. We have tie ups with reputed courier companies, so your orders will be delivered to your doorstep. All orders will be delivered in fully sealed packages to protect your goods and ensure that they reach you in perfect condition.


Will I get confirmation that my Order is placed successfully?
We’ll send an email with your order details to confirm your purchase and another email to intimate your order is shipped out. Sit back, relax and get ready to greet your order.


How should I track my Order?
1. You can track your order in single click. Click on “track my order” and enter your order id along with the e-mail id used. You will come to know the order and shipment details.
2. If you still have apprehensions, write to us at, and your issue will be addressed.


Payment Mode


What payment methods do you accept for international orders?
For International Orders , payment can be done either through any Indian Netbanking, debit cards, credit cards or through Razorpay payment gateway ( For International Cards).


Is it safe to shop online if I make payment using net banking, Debit card or Credit Card?
All Credit Card, Debit Card and net banking transactions are processed over a secure encrypted payment gateways like CCavenue and Razorpay. So the transaction is well encrypted from both the ends so that you can happily shop at the ease of home.


Are there any hidden charges?
There are absolutely no hidden charges.


What should I do if my payment fails?
In case of a payment failure, please retry ensuring:
1. Information passed on to payment gateway is accurate i.e. account details, billing address, password (for net banking) and that your Internet connection is not disrupted in the process.
2. If your account has been debited after a payment failure, it is normally rolled back to your bank account within 7 business days for any further clarification; you can email us on or whatsapp us +91-74490 44447


Shipping & Tracking


What is So special about ?
We promise our customers one of the best experiences of online shopping that is hassle free and reliable. We take care of all parameters that ensure your delivery reaches you in a sound state.

What is the delivery time period?
We deliver our orders within 2-5 business days in India and within 3-5 business days in other countries. Remote locations may require longer delivery times and it may take up to 5-10 business days to deliver orders on remote pin codes.

Do you apply any shipping charges?
Yes, Shipping charges are applicable according to weight based system. It might vary from location to location.

Do you accept international orders?
Yes. We deliver USA, Canada, UAE, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Sweden, Netherland, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain

Return Policy
Once the order is shipped we do not accept returns. But, If you have concerns with the order you can always contact We will address the issue at the earliest.


Refund Policy

What are the terms and conditions for refund?
The delivery of items you ordered is subject to availability. If it is not available due to some reasons, the amount you paid for that particular product will be refunded either as cash to your account or an alternate product of your choice , matching the same amount.

How long the refund procedure takes?
1. The refund procedure will be initiated within 24 hours. Once initiated, the amount will reflect in bank account within 7 working days.

I haven’t received my refund yet. What should I do?
1. We update our customers through emails once we initiate the refund procedure.
2. If our last email states that we have initiated the refund procedure, kindly wait for the process to complete.
3. For queries you can write to us at or Whatsapp :+91-74490 44447



Will I automatically receive marketing emails from you after registration?
If you register with us, you are inevitably getting subscribed to our newsletter. If you don’t wish to receive our newsletter, you can click on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter.

What to do if I forgot my password?
Just click on ‘Forgot Password’ option and we will send it to you on your email address registered with us.

Do you accept bulk order?
Yes, we do accept bulk order for funcations, corporate events and re-selling. The prices may vary according to your products and quantity of purchase. Kindly write to us at with your requirements or whatsapp us +91-74490 44447

I want to place an order but I don’t want any price tag or invoice attached as it is a gift for someone. Is it possible?
Yes we can remove the price tag and invoice.