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Black Dry Grapes


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Black Dry Grapes

Benefits Of Black Grapes
1. It fights against bad cholesterol and keeps blood pressure under control
2. Aids Digestion
3. Weight Loss
4. Helps Boost Immunity
5. Increases Bone Strength
6. Prevents Bad Breath
7. Prevents Anemia
8. Improves Vision
9. Fights Risk of Cancer
10. Risk of Diabetes
11. Healthy Skin
12. Immunity Booster
13. Intake of raisins also keeps your hair healthy
14. Black Raisins keep your blood free from impurities.
15.Helps you stay away from premature ageing
16. Raisins contain low-calorie and have antioxidants, fiber, minerals, potassium, calcium & phytochemical

Additional information

Weight N/A

100 gm, 250 gm


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